Butch Barking: Blog


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Covid and Fish

Also, site updates and medical issues!, 12/12/23

First thing's first - Site Updates: I have changed the homepage so it's (slighlty) more acsessible by mobile devices and so it's a touch more clean but don't get to attached to the layout I'm sort of "bleg" about the way it looks. I have cleaned up the FTM-Info page and given it a nice coat of css but it's far from it's final form. I'm still working on a number of shrines in my spare time (the one I'm building for Stormé DeLarverié is likley to be published first). I have some grand plans about intergrating a better music player and some fancier graphics (I am under the delusion I can do this and make the site mobile friendly and have minimal Javascript involved.)

Now for an update of my life: My partner's partner has covid, I have a date with my partner at 4:20(nice) at the aquarium. I don't know if we're still going, since they live with their partner who has covid atm. I would ask but I'm worried that will make me seem like an asshole who doesn't care about their partenr (who is also like a good friend of mine and my co-worker). SO, I've elected to go to the coffe shop to work on the website and wait until around 4pm before either going to the auquarium or making some sort of plan for the rest of my day.

I'm also having medical issues (not covid), I have a bad back (lordosis, fibro) and it stright up fucked me on sunday during the brunch rush and I had to leave work early to take an oxycodone, but then !Bam! migrane of death and agony pops up, I spend a couple hours having closed eye hullucinations and throw up a couple of times. My partner ended up taking me to their place to take care of me and I spent the night in and out of sleep with a death headache and nursing a liter of gaturade and eating crackers. Then I went home monday morning and fed my cat. It's now tuesday and my head low-key still hurts (and my back too), but I want to go and see the fish my partner before they leave for the holidays! Woe.


Updates, 12/6/23

Updates on life: My partner is wonderful and has helped me a lot in the past couple of days with sorting out some of my b.s. They drove me to the DMV yesterday, so I have my temp I.D. and the real thing is being sent in the mail, I also got my bank-issues sorted out, and today they helped motivate me to get some important calls done. I haven't actually made the calls yet, but I put them in my to-do list and I actually intend to follow-through with making them. We're both at the library right now, I just got finished registering for the winter quarter at a local community college. I had to email a bunch of people about my name change, so hopefully the admissions office will stop dead-naming me and I can finally get a school ID with my correct name.

Also, when my lease is up, my partener and I our going to get an apartment together, which is exisiting, and there are also vauge long-term plans to start a housing co-op with them and some friends in the future! :3

As for things that might actually intrest people: I have started designing my shrine webpage for Stormé DeLarverié. I'm also slowy working on a page of references, guides, and recourses for trans men and transmasculine peoples. I also, just yesterday, posted the 'coverpage' of an online zine project called "Dog Boy Blues", which can be seen here! To be honest, the coverpage it self is still a WIP, but, I wanted to share what I have done so far.

I am also working on proposing a column for the Seattle Gay News called "Getting the T", which would be a transmasc centered conversation column focoused on inclusion of transmasculinity, since we are so often overlooked or dismissed in the queer and even trans community. I have no idea how the idea will go over, but I thought I ought to at least try it, the worse that gets happened is I get dismissed, which as a trans man, I am already used to.


Just a little post, 12/3/2023

I'm not certain WHAT I should be blogging about. Trans issues? Queer issues, in general? My personal life? I don't know if I'm making "content" or writing a diary! I guess I'll go with diary for now.

Today I worked the brunch shift, which is a nightmare and more. It's the hardest shift there is, but of course none of us get paid more for working it. We get tipped, but those tips are collected and divided amongst the staff based on hours. So you can work the slow shifts and get paid with the tip money that was earned by the brunch staff, lol. Which means there's NO insentive to working on the weekends, so it's always impossible to find someone to cover a sunday shift, cause who would want to do twice the amount of normal work and get paid the same amount you get paid for just standing around joking with co-workers on a thursday when the cafe is empty of customers. wow, guess this is a vent blog already

Let's see, what else can I post about? I recently got my legal name change finished! And with that comes a plethera of issues. One of which is replacing my ID. When I got the court-order I of course went to the DMV to get a new ID, and that actually went pretty smoothe. However, a few weeks ago I lost my wallet, I can't find it anywhere in my tiny gay studio apartement, so I assume I lost it out in the wilds. So, I went online to replace my ID. It asked for my SSN and full legal name, which I gave it. Then it told me I don't have a valid Identification. Which is bullshit, cause I updated by Social Security info months ago right after I got my new ID. So, tomorrow I have to spend my day off at the DMV, trying to get that situation sorted out! That being said, if anyone has questions about changing their legal name in Seattle, let me know. I'm unbearbly aquainted with the system at this point.

P.S. Please forgive any spelling errors, I'm dyslexic and my html editor doesn't come with a spellchecker, lol.


My first blog post, 12/3/2023

This is my first blog post on this website.

I'm planning on making weekly posts to my blog and slowly expanding the amount of posts I make as I get used to posting in this format, since it's not quite as easy as making a tumblr post -- and maybe that's a good thing, lol.